Rhythm sublime
Music and video creation share a key ingredient: rhythm. A good edit – be it a film, a commercial, or a music video – flows effortlessly. Creating this rhythm is an art. In music it is achieved through beats, patterns and pitch; whilst in video creation, we rely on camera movement and editing pace and style, whilst even the composition of a single shot carries its own rhythm.
Our musical background goes way back, and it is significant. Visio’s founder Carina Bruwer is an award-winning musician and music industry entrepreneur, and her first endeavour into the world of video and film production won her a South African Music Award (SAMA) for Best Live DVD back in 2011. Whilst remaining active as a performing musician, artist manager and show producer, Carina’s interest in, and growing passion for film has seen her focus shifting to visual production, so much so that she now cites it as her main business. Being involved in – and supporting – music projects is greatly rewarding for her and the company as a whole, and therefore musical content will always have a very special place in our business.